Group TRT Sessions

Group TRT Sessions

Trauma Release Therapy

Transformative Trauma Release Therapy (TRT) Group Sessions for Stress Relief

In the fast-paced world we live in, stress and tension have become unwelcome companions in our daily lives, affecting our mental, emotional, and physical well-being. It’s time to break free from these chains and embark on a journey towards wellness with our transformative Trauma Release Therapy (TRT) group sessions. Join us in a supportive community that understands the power of collective healing, where you can release stress and tension from the comfort of your home through online sessions or in person at Randy’s TRT studio.

Private TRT Sessions


The Transformative Power of TRT

Trauma Release Therapy is a holistic approach designed to address the impact of stress and trauma on both the mind and body. Our group sessions focus on creating a safe space for individuals to explore and release the stored tension, allowing for a profound sense of relaxation and relief. By participating in TRT, you not only contribute to your own healing but also become part of a community that understands and supports your journey.


Online Sessions:

Wellness at Your Fingertips

In our modern, interconnected world, attending transformative group sessions is more accessible than ever. Join our online TRT sessions from the comfort of your home and experience the healing power of collective energy. Through virtual platforms, you can connect with like-minded individuals who are also on the path to wellness. Our skilled facilitators guide you through the process, ensuring a supportive and enriching experience that transcends geographical boundaries.


In-Person Sessions at Randy’s TRT Studio

For those seeking a more immersive experience, join us in person at Randy’s TRT studio. Located in a serene environment, the studio provides a dedicated space for your healing journey. The in-person group sessions amplify the collective energy as participants come together to release stress through a series of therapeutic movements. Randy’s TRT studio is designed to create an atmosphere of tranquility, making it an ideal setting for your transformative experience.

The Collective Shake:

Harnessing the Energy Within

One of the unique aspects of TRT is the collective shake—an embodiment practice that allows participants to release stored tension through spontaneous movements. The collective shake is a powerful and liberating experience that promotes a sense of unity and connectedness within the group. As individuals release stress, the collective energy generated enhances the overall therapeutic effect, fostering a profound sense of well-being.


Your Journey Towards Wellness

Embark on a journey towards wellness with TRT group sessions. Whether you choose to participate online or in person, our transformative approach to stress relief will leave you feeling rejuvenated, grounded, and connected. Take the first step towards a healthier and happier life by joining our TRT community. Release the stress that no longer serves you and embrace the transformative power of collective healing.

Best Price

Pricing and Packages


Per person per session

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Per person for a five-session package

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Per person for a ten-session package

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Our Services

Services Offered

Sessions are available either in person at your home, office, or our studio if you’re in the Sarasota, FL area. Alternatively, we also offer live online sessions for remote accessibility.

Group TRT Sessions

Join our transformative Trauma Release Therapy (TRT) group sessions, designed to..

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Private TRT Sessions

Personalized attention awaits you in our one-on-one private TRT sessions.

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Semi-Private TRT Sessions

Foster a sense of connection and support in semi-private TRT sessions,

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